"Being bullied can be extremely harmful to your child. Are you and your kids informed and able to deal with, stop and prevent online & offline bullying?"
If your child or loved one is being bullied, or at risk of being bullied, this may be the most important information you'll ever read:
- Uncover proven ways to help your child if he or she is being bullied
- Understand what Cyberbullying is, what it looks like and how to stop it
- Keep your child safer when they interact on Facebook
- Learn ten things every adult can do to help end bullying
- Empower yourself to help prevent bullying at your child's school
- Recognize the symptoms and potential risks of being bullied
- Equip your child with tips on how to deal with cyberbullying
- Learn what to do if your child is bullying others
- Better understand why kids bully and why it's stood the test of time
- Be aware of the long term effects of being bullied
Check this out. Over the past five years the technology of bullying has advanced much faster than efforts could be developed to stop it. With the rise of social networking sites like Facebook and the increasing popularity of cell phones held by students, in an instant a student could post to an entire school that a girl is a slut, or boy is a fag and even share unflattering and damanging pictures in an attempt to prove it.
These kinds of actions led to four suicides in a 19 day period in 2010 alone. There are many other risks that exist for those being bullied.
Children who are the victims of bullies are at risk for the following things:
- Self esteem issues
- Depression
- Alcoholism & Drug Abuse
- Poor performance in school
- Withdrawal from family and social situations
- Loneliness
- Anxiety
- Running away from home
- And much more
Our children are the most important parts of our lives. If you're anything like me you cannot stand to see them in pain and with an improved chance of experiencing risks like those above.
Many of us were not raised in a digital age like our children. We may have dealt with bullying, but negative remarks and slander can spread much faster through technology causing far more mental and emotional damage than when we were kids.
It's more important than ever to combat bullying at every level.
As an adult and loving parent it is our responsibility to be there for our children, help prevent them from getting bullied and stop any bullying that already is occurring without the risk of them being further ridiculed for their parents getting involved. But how do we learn how to deal with our kids being bullied, especially online? How do we notice the warning signs and put an end to it quickly? What's the best way to approach my child, or their teachers? Purchase the Stand Up Against Bullying book today. This important ebook is available by download immediately after purchase, even if it is 2:00 am.
Here's the Proof that this ebook works....

The best way I know to prove to you that these techniques really work is by giving you a short sample case study and showing you testimonials from parents and teachers who have already used these techniques successfully.
A study conducted in Illinois determined that the more that children understand about bullying and its harmful effects, the less likely they will be to bully others in the future.
During a study of 200 high school students in a suburban school in Illinois, it was found that over 76% of the students had experienced bullying in one form or another. Of those surveyed, a staggering 48% of those students also admitted to bullying other students in an effort to feel better about themselves, having been victims themselves.
After an educational forum presented to these 200 students, 94% stated that their opinion of bullying had changed with this new information and nearly every one of the students admitted that they would make every effort to stop bullying when they see it occur.
Information is a crucial element in the battle against bullying and the more that people know and understand about its harmful effects, the less likely they will be to continue with any bullying behavior on their part in the future.
I noticed a change in my daughters behavior in April of last year. She started to seem more stressed and edgy at night while online. I later found that several girls in her class were spreading rumors and saying harmful things on Facebook and Twitter.
I didn't know how to handle this being that it was never anything I had to deal with before. I'm very thankful to have purchased the Stand up against bullying book. It was very helpful in giving me guidance in how to handle these kinds of issues. I was able to talk with my daughter and give her advise as well as talk to other parents and share my new findings with them as well. I strongly recommend this book to anyone looking to better understand how to prevent, handle and stop bullying both online and off.
- Allison Johansen
Tampa, Florida
“My child had been a victim of bullying for years and we were powerless to help him. I didn’t know where to turn or what to do. I always worried that if my son tried to tell teachers about this that the bully would hurt him more. We thought about moving and giving him a fresh start in a new school, but we couldn’t afford it. I found this book online and it has changed his life.
We feel empowered having this incredible information and we have become involved in his school. My son is happier, has more friends, and that is the best reward. Stand Up Against Bullying is the best investment I have ever made.”
- Trish Sampson
Fallbrook, California
“Stand Up Against Bullying woke us up to our son’s bullying behavior. With the tips and suggestions for us to use, we have helped get him out of his pattern of destructive behavior and he is actually laughing, smiling, and spending time with his family again.
Thank God for this book!”
- Marcia McMillan
Waterbury, CT
It's time to get educated and help protect your children. Claim Your Copy Now...only $24.97!
This important ebook is available by download immediately after purchase, even if it is 2:00 am.